
TLBA Vacation Bible School Clinic

You read the title right!   We will have a Vacation Bible School Clinic this year hosted by Union Grove Baptist Church.

April 5 beginning at 8:30 am with a continental breakfast and will end no later than 12:00 pm.  

We will have classes for the following age groups:

Age-Level Leader(s)
Preschool 3-4 years Reagan Thornton
Kindergarten Brenda French
1st-2nd Grade Savanah Grace
3rd-4th Grade Jessica Keyes
5th-6th Grade (VBX) Jean King
Students Jacob Burdette
Adults Kyle McCracken
Recreation Kevin Keyes
Snacks Debra Sheppard
Missions Sharon Harper & Ashley Worley
Pastors Wayne & Jean Ivey
Music Jennifer McCracken & Beth Jones
Directors Connie Wyche 



Senior Adult Celebration 2025


Senior Adult Celebration   May 12   

We will start this year at 11:30 with lunch followed by

entertainment by the James Brown Trio.

The James Brown Trio is a Southern Gospel group. This trio consists of Charles Story from Valley, AL as well as Adam & Teel Traylor from Auburn, AL. The namesake (James Brown) started the group over 16 years ago with Charles and Adam and since his death in 2013 Teel has joined forces to continue the tradition of good ole Southern Gospel music with an eternal impact. You’ll not want to miss this group’s harmonious sounds.

Please begin now promoting this event in your church.  We will ask for a number attending from your church closer to the event.

Any questions, please contact Jean Ivey, Ministry Assistant at the association office - 334-298-0604!

Office Hours

The TLBA Office is open: 

Monday - Wednesday   

9:00 am - 2 pm

We can be reached by phone or text anytime!

Russell Dean, Associational Mission Strategist - Cell - 334-398-0602

Jean Ivey, Ministry Assistant - Cell - 334-298-0604


Ministers' Meetings 10:30 AM

Ministers Meeting Schedule  10:30 AM

March 18 - Paul Spargo will discuss Sunday School organization.  

March 25 - Johnny Coker - Faith Riders & Bikers for Christ
















TLBA Churches Without a Pastor

Chewacla - Interim Pastor, Mark Murphy

Concord - Interim Pastor, Kevin Johnson

Elam - Interim Pastor, Jimmy Woodall 

High Hope - Interim Pastor, Billy Clark

Salem First - Interim Pastor - Danny Brown

Salem Macon - Michael Stephens, Supply

Central - Supply Preachers