
Office Hours

The TLBA Office is open: 

Monday - Wednesday   

9:00 am - 2 pm

We can be reached by phone or text anytime!

Russell Dean, Associational Mission Strategist - Cell - 334-398-0602

Jean Ivey, Ministry Assistant - Cell - 334-298-0604


Ministers' Meetings 10:30 AM

Ministers Meeting Schedule

Dec 3 - Scott Shepherd (Chaplain for AU Baseball team)

Dec 10 - Ministers Brunch (10:00 am)  Spouses are invited!

Dec 17 - No regular ministers meeting - Ministers / Wives dinner, Providence, 6:30 PM

Christmas Break.  Next Meeting in January.

Jan 7 - Dennis Hill

Jan 14 - Bongani & Morgan Nxumalo, Missionaries

Jan 21 - Executive Committee Meeeting

Jan 28 - Jamie Baldwin, ALSBOM















TLBA Churches Without a Pastor

Airview - Interim Pastor, Larry Felkins

Chewacla - Interim Pastor, Mark Murphy

Concord - Interim Pastor, Kevin Johnson

Elam - Supply Preachers 

High Hope - Interim Pastor, Billy Clark

Salem First - Interim Pastor - Danny Brown

Salem Macon - Michael Stephens, Supply

Central - Supply Preachers 

Liberty - Supply Preachers