
As Christians we have the privilege, responsibility, and command from the Lord to PRAY (2 Chronicles 7:14).











  • Office Hours

    The TLBA Office is open: 

    Monday - Wednesday   

    9:00 am - 2 pm

    We can be reached by phone or text anytime!

    Russell Dean, Associational Mission Strategist - Cell - 334-398-0602

    Jean Ivey, Ministry Assistant - Cell - 334-298-0604


  • Ministers' Meetings 10:30 AM

    Ministers Meeting Schedule
















  • TLBA Churches Without a Pastor

    Chewacla - Interim Pastor, Mark Murphy

    Concord - Interim Pastor, Kevin Johnson

    Elam - Supply Preachers 

    High Hope - Interim Pastor, Billy Clark

    Salem First - Interim Pastor - Danny Brown

    Salem Macon - Michael Stephens, Supply

    Central - Supply Preachers